*****UNESCO Laureate Prof. Sir Bashiru Aremu hails Top Asian Professor for his Graduation Degrees from Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc.
UNESCO Laureate Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu has hailed a top Asian Professor, Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu for graduating with distinction on his post-graduate degrees that include Post-Doctoral Degree Fellowship, Grand Doctor of Philosophy Degree Fellowship, and Doctor of Science Fellowship at Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc under the supervision of UNESCO Laureate Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu.
According to the Letter that was written and signed by the Private Secretary, It read, “To H.E. UNESCO Laureate, Prof. Emeritus (on merit) Sir, Bashiru Aremu, Vice Chancellor, Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc., USA, which is Teaching and Research University Campus is located at Santa Cruz Province in Argentina, official partners constituent campuses at government-regulated universities worldwide and online operation on behalf of the World Grand Board of Trustees, the World Grand Governing Council, The International Advisory Board of Academy Standards of Crown University Intl. Chartered Inc. to confer him Awards of The Post-Doctoral Degree Fellowship of Doctor of Engineer in Electronic Electrical Engineering with Specialization in “Investigation on Distributed Clustering Algorithms Towards Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks”, The Grand Doctor of Philosophy Degree Fellowship of Doctor of Engineer in Electronic Electrical Engineering with Specialization in “Evaluation of Energy Efficient Clustering Approaches in WSNs”, and The Post Doctorate Degree Fellowship of Doctor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering with Specialization in “Incorporation of Reliable Clustering and Routing Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Network” under the supervision of UNESCO Laureate Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu with Distinction in honor of recognition of his research works on Electronic Electrical Engineering & Electronics and Communication Engineering which his name has been approved for these Degrees based on the course theses.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu graduated with his Ph.D in ECE in Wireless Sensor Networks from Anna University Chennai in 2016, M.E. in ECE in Network Engineering from Regional Centre -Anna University Coimbatore in 2009, B.E. ECE from Sasurie College of Engineering in 2007. He is working as a Professor with 15 years of experience in Teaching and Research.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu obtained patents for Tremor Stabilization Spoon For Parkinson Syndrome affected patients, which can function as per the requirements based on monitoring of conditions; Brain Stitcher: A Compact Wireless Telemetry System to Assess the Behaviour of the Rodents; Exoskeleton Hand for Stroke Survivors Rehabilitation and Control via IOT Based Optimization; Crop Disease Detection and Monitoring System; Secure and Reliable Smart E-Voting System Using Aadhar Card; Garbage Waste Monitoring and Collection System with Reduced Human Intervention; Fluoride Removal In Potable Water By Fluidized Bed Reactor Using; Pyrolized Delonix Regia Pod Carbon ( PDPC); IoT Based Smart Water Contamination Detection System; Design and Fabrication of Medicine Delivery Robots for Hospitals; Intelligent Sensor Based Monitoring System for Underwater Pollution; Sensor Based Irrigation System Facilitated By Internet of Things; Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Grid Systems for Smart Cities; A Method and Device: Real Time Monitoring of Patients; A Robot With Automated Technology Capable of Recovering Children Trapped Inside Abandoned Borewells; Automotive Engine Control System for Preventing Drivers Who Are in Inebriated Condition; Internet of Things (IoT) Based Intelligent Water Quality Monitoring and Distribution Management System; Entropy Based Image Retrieval Method for Faster Retrieving of Images; A Low-Cost Voice Recognition-Based Smart Notice Board for Infotainment in Colleges and Hospitals; Smart Agri-Bot with Seed Sowing, Nutrients and Leaf Disease Identification for Better Crop Yield; Management of Dense Cloud Removal from Landsat Images Using Deep Neighbour-Pixel Embedding Technique; Brain Tumor Detection in PET Scan Images Using Extended U-Net Framework with VGG-16 Encoder.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu has written several books and a few including Electronic Circuits–II; An Elementary Approach on Solid State Devices; Software Engineering Education; Tracking of Moving Objects in Video Sequences; Framework on Embedded Systems Engineering; Problem Solving and Python Programming; C Simpler: How to Program; Computer Networks; ICT and Its Application in Library Services; Mobile Computing, etc.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu has published more than 300 papers in International Journals & Scopus indexed book chapters and a few include Neural Proliferation using Brain stimulation Methods Intended for Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Population: A Hypothesis and Theoretical Investigation, Test Engineering & Management, The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc., Volume 82, January – February 2020, Page No. 9138 – 9151 (Scopus); Treatment of Potable Water Samples Using Ecofriendly Phyllanthus Emblica – A Solution for Water Pollution, Pollution Research Journal, 39(4), Pages 365-372 (2020) (Scopus); Cost Effective and Natural Plant Based Coagulant for the Removal of Chloride from Potable Water, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 32, Number 4, Pages 871-875 (2020) (Scopus); Emerging Trends and Research Issues on Blockchain Technology for 5G-Enabled Industrial IoT, 1st Edition Blockchain Technology Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies (Book Chapter – CRC Press), 2020 (Scopus); Evaluation of structural, optical, and dielectric characterization of adipic acid crystals grown in aqueous solution of l-alanine, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Springer), Vol. 31, 22893–22904, 2020 (SCI Journal); Unified design method of time delayed PI controller for first order plus dead-time process models with different dead-time to time constant ratio, Archives of Control Sciences, Volume 31(LXVII), No. 2, pages 447–476 (2021) (SCI Journal); Deep learning-based cognitive state prediction analysis using brain wave signal, Cognitive Computing for Human-Robot Interaction Principles and Practices, Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing, Pages 69-84, (Book Chapter – CRC Press), 2021 (Scopus); An Empirical Verification of the Proposed Distributor Marketing Intelligence System (DMiS) Model, International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2021, (Inderscience) (Scopus); Novel Foam Adsorbents in Dyes and Heavy Metals Removal: A Review, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 33, Number 3, Pages 499-508 (2020) (Scopus); Reliable Methodology for Acquiring Exact Road Accident Information Using Deep Learning, International Journal of Business Information Systems, 2021, (Inderscience) (Scopus); Gait based prediction and diagnosis of abnormal walk pattern and rendering effective treatment for patients with musculoskeletal problems, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Volume 7, Issue 10, Pages 1943-1957, 2020 (Scopus & Web of Science); Effect of vitamin-C on structural, thermal, and optical properties of lithium sulfate monohydrate crystal, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (Springer), Vol. 32, 4798–4804, 2021 (SCI Journal); Evaluation of Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Cytotoxicity Activities of CuO Nanopellets Synthesized by Surfactant-Free Hydrothermal Method, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Volume 49, Issue 6 (2021) (SCI Journal); Ambient‐Assisted Living of Disabled Elderly in an Intelligent Home Using Behavior Prediction—A Reliable Deep Learning Prediction System, Computational Analysis and Deep Learning for Medical Care: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Pages 329-342, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (Book Chapter), 2021 (Scopus); Critical Investigation and Prototype Study on Deep Brain Stimulations: An Application of Biomedical Engineering in Healthcare, Handbook of Deep Learning in Biomedical Engineering and Health Informatics, (Book Chapter – CRC Press), 2021 (Scopus); A Novel Data Analytics and Machine Learning Model Towards Prediction and Classification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Data Science and Data Analytics, 1st Edition, 2021, Imprint Chapman and Hall/CRC, Pages 13, eBook ISBN 9781003111290, Taylor & Francis, (Book Chapter), 2022 (Scopus); An evaluation of noble nanocomposites based on zinc oxide: synthesis, characterization, environmental, optical and biomedical applications, Journal of Optoelectronic and Biomedical Materials, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 151-169 (Web of Science); Evaluation of antimycobacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities of CuO nanoparticles through cobalt doping. Appl Nanosci 12, 79–86 (2022) (SCI Journal); Evaluation of Quality of Ground Water Due to Trace Elements in the Proximity of River Noyyal, Tiruppur, South India, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 40, Number 4, Pages 1301-1308 (2021) (Scopus); An elitist control scheme for power flow management in smart grid system: a hybrid optimization scheme, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021 (SCI Journal); Biomedical Data visualization and Clinical Decision-making by Multi usage Wireless Brain Stimulator using Novel Embedded Design for Rodents, Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis, Elsevier, (Book Chapter), 2022 (Scopus); A Comprehensive Study of Identification of Microstructural Analysis in Various Reinforced Fly Ash Concretes, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 2022 (Inderscience) (Scopus); Alginate Hydrogel Adsorbents in Adsorption of Inorganic and Organic Pollutants: A Review, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 34, Number 7, Pages 1625-1632, (2022) (Scopus); Corporate Social Responsibility of Canara Bank – A Systematic Status Review, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 376-398, 2022, (Inderscience) (Scopus); Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) Analysis Based on Physical Activity and Sleeping Pattern Among Seafarers Using Smartphones, Book Title – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Frameworks in Telehealth, Pages 133-143, 2022, Springer, Cham (Book Chapter) (Scopus); Biomedical data visualization and clinical decision-making in rodents using a multi-usage wireless brain stimulator with a novel embedded design, Book Title – Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis, Pages 187-206, 2022, Apple Academic Press (Book Chapter) (Scopus); Applications of Inorganic Polymers in Textile Wastewater Treatment. In: Khadir, A., Muthu, S.S. (eds) Polymer Technology in Dye-containing Wastewater. Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry. (Springer), Singapore. (Book Chapter), 2022 (Scopus); Photocatalytic activity induced by metal nanoparticles synthesized by sustainable approaches- A comprehensive review, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2022 (SCI Journal); Controlled synthesis of Ag/CuO nanocomposites: evaluation of their antimycobacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer activities, Applied Physics A, Volume 128, Year 2022, Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland (SCI Journal); etc.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu’s few International approvals include; Has been approved as Technical Consultant in the Journal of Engineering Technological Research by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia 1n 2016; Has been approved as Consulting Editor in the Journal of Engineering Today by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016; Has been approved as Technical Reporter in the journal of The Technology World by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016; Has been approved as Technical Consultant in the Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Science by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016; Has been approved as Assignment Editor in the Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering Research by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016; Has been approved as Consulting Engineer in the Journal of Automotive, Mechanical Engineering Research by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016; Has been approved as Technical Editor in the journal of Technology Today by the editorial board committee for the Technical Knowledge and contributions in the field of Engineering & Technology and Management Science given in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia in 2016.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu’s few memberships include Science and Engineering Institute; International Association of Engineers; Indian Society for Technical Education; International Society for Research and Development; International Academy for Science & Technology Education and Research; Computer Science Teachers Association; Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications; Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers; Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers; International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology; Universal Association of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineers; International Society for Development and Sustainability; Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional; Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science; Scholars Academic and Scientific Society; Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors; Institute for Engineering Research and Publication; Rosalind Member of London Journals Press; Society of Professional Engineers; International Chartered World Learned Society; etc.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu’s few honours include Has been received “Excellent Professional Achievement Award” to his Contribution in Top Management, Leadership & Professional Activities, Journals of Editorial Board Member, Consulting Editor and Professional Consultant, Projects & Education initiatives, Projects & Research Activities etc., from Society of Professional Engineers in 2016; Has been received “Dedicated Professional Engineer Award” to his Contribution in the Field of Science, Engineering and Technology & Management applications, Exceptional Distinction by reason of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications, Professional Membership, Experiences and Sustained etc., from Society of Engineers & Technicians in 2016; Biography listed in “Marquis Who’s who in the World” that lists career and personal data for each biography, including birth date and place, names of parents and family members, education, writings and creative works, civic activities, awards, political affiliation, religion, and addresses. This is considered as one of the Biographical World Record. His name has been listed for three consecutive years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019; Winner of “Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award”. The Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award is an honor reserved for biographees who have demonstrated leadership, excellence and longevity within their respective industries and professions. One of the highest distinctions available through Marquis, the award entitles biographees to a listing on the Lifetime Achievers website alongside fellow honorees, as well as a professional announcement detailing induction. He received this award for the years 2017, 2018 & 2019; Winner of “Best Young Scientist” and “Best Young Researcher” from the Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties. The Society Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties (ASDF) mainly aims at the collaboration of people from various sectors to gain the knowledge of educating, developing, and researching. This society improves learning, teaching, development, and research skills by advancing the effective use of technology. He received it for the year 2016; Winner of “Dedicated Academician Award Winner” from Innovative Scientific Research Professional for his Experiences and Sustained Accomplishment in Top Management, Leadership & Professional Activities, Journals of Editorial Board Member, Consulting Editor and Professional Consultant, Projects & Education initiatives, Projects & Research Activities etc., from Society of Professional Engineers in 2016; Merit Based selection as “Fellow Member” in Indian Society of Electronics and Communication Engineers, Indian Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, International Society for Research and Development, Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers, Universal Association of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineers, Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional and International Safety Quality Environment Management Association; Winner of “Bright Educator Award” from International Institute of Organized Research for promoting various domains related to Education and Research around the globe to make it easily accessible and more organized. He received this award for his Contribution to Top Management, Leadership & Professional Activities, Journals of Editorial Board Member, Consulting Editor and Professional Consultant, Projects & Education initiatives, Projects & Research Activities, etc in 2018; Winner of “Best Young Scientist of the Year 2018” from Idamas Learning Center, Malaysia as per Qualifications, Membership, Knowledge, Training and Experience, Academic Performance, Achievements, Contributions, Activities, and Dedicated Services in his area of specialization for the academic year 2018; Winner of “100 Inspiring Authors of India 2018” from Indian Awaz, Kolkata that was aimed at recognition for Indians. In its endeavor to promote authors and aspirants in the literature domain, the team is recognizing India has touched billions of Indians, through its significant books and works across domains in various categories, towards publishing more than 20 books and most referred books in both technical and non-technical domains in 2018; Honoured as a life fellow member of International Chartered World Learned Society (FICWLS) as one of the selected learned people all over the world, in 2020; Honoured as Notable and Top Educator of the 21st Century by International Chartered World Learned Society in September 2020.
Prof. Dr. S.R. Boselin Prabhu is a member of various International Professional bodies and currently serves as an Editor and Reviewer for more than 300 internationally reputed Journals. He has reviewed more than thousand papers for International Journals. He has edited more than five thousand Journal articles.
In addition to being a great counselor and mentor, he is extremely dedicated to his profession.